In Contract Killer (also known as Hitman), an old Japanese underworld kingpin is assassinated and one of the provisions in his will is a hundred million dollar reward to catch his killer. Fu (Li) is a poor student at some boys assassin school (go figure) and hears about the outrageously large monetary offer.
Deciding that he wants the job, Fu (who isnt given much respect) has trouble getting his foot in the door until he runs into Lo (Tsang), a conman who helps him get into the meeting of assassins. They, along with several other wanna-be killers, are given instructions by Martin, the dead kingpins executor, and who has ridiculous girly-man hair. Also at the meeting is the grandson of the dead man and boy is he pissed!
All right, so the game is on. In order to get the reward, the assassins have to not only find the killer but also find out who hired him. In the meantime, HK detective Kwan (the suave Yam) is monitoring the various assassins moves including Lo and Fu and trying to figure out who the original killer is himself.
Add to the mix Los daughter Kiki (Leung) who really has nothing to do but look cute, scold her father and get Fu all worked up.
I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would, despite the plot holes and Tsangs annoying character. The story, in general, made sense and followed through and the characters (again with the exception of Lo) were believable. There was even an enjoyable twist at the end that, perhaps, other viewers will catch but surprised me.